Decreased Memory in Older Adults

Sumber Gambar : old man with alzheimer scene Vectors by Vecteezy

When a person has entered the elderly phase, naturally the body's functions will decrease, including in terms of memory, or often referred to as dementia.

What is dementia?

Dementia is a condition of loss of intellectual abilities that prevents social relations and functions in everyday life. Dementia is a degenerative disease that often attacks people over 60 years old.

Dementia occurs due to damage to brain cells where the nervous system can no longer carry information into the brain, thus making a setback on memory, progressive skills, emotional disorders, and behavior changes (Pieter and Janiwarti, 2011).

Nearly 55% of people with dementia are caused by Alzheimer's, 25-35% due to stroke and 10-15% due to other causes. Many people with dementia can be treated even though very few of them can be cured (Asrori and Putri, 2014).

Symptoms of dementia

The main symptom in people with dementia is a decrease in memory and changes in the mindset that is visible and the way someone speaks. These symptoms will continue to deteriorate over time.

Here are 5 stages of symptoms that appear in people with dementia:

- First stage

At this stage the patient still has a normal brain function so that the symptoms are not yet visible.

- Second stage

People with dementia will begin to be disturbed by their activities. For example, they will have difficulty in terms of multitasking (doing various activities at a time), difficult to make decisions, difficulty solving problems, easily forgetting, and difficulty in choosing the right words.

- Third Stage

At this stage the patient will experience organic mental disorders. They will get lost when passing through the usual path, difficult to capture new information, be in a flat mood that is flat and less excited, and experience various personality problems and decreased social abilities.

- Fourth stage

When entering the fourth stage, people with dementia will have difficulty doing their daily activities so that they really need the help of others. For example, they will need the help of others to eat, dress, even shower. Patients will also experience sleep disorders, difficulty reading and writing, being apathetic, withdrawing from the social environment, hallucinating, irritable, and being rude.

- Fifth stage

When entering this stage, people with dementia will rely on others throughout their lives. Patients will lose their basic abilities, such as sitting or walking, do not experience family, and do not understand language.

Tips to prevent dementia

Dementia causes the disruption of a person’s memory and thought process. Thus, prevention of dementia can be done by increasing memory and concentration through the application of a healthy lifestyle with the objectives of health and brain function is maintained and fulfilled nutrients.

Here are some healthy life tips that you can apply:

1. Pay attention to nutritional intake

The brain needs nutritious food intake so that it can function optimally. Increase food consumption, such as green vegetables, fish, green tea, and nuts, so that the brain function is more maintained. Consumption of alcoholic drinks must also be limited. A study shows that the habit of consuming excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks, can have a negative impact on the cognitive function or the process of thinking and memory of a person.

2. Sports

It is recommended to do light exercise such as walking, running lightly, or swimming for about 30 minutes every day. Lack of regular physical activity can increase the risk of heart disease, overweight or obesity, and diabetes which can cause higher risk of dementia.

3. Brain exercise

In addition to maintaining nutrition and exercise, the brain also needs to be trained so that its abilities are maintained. Brain exercises can be done in several ways such as reading, filling crossword puzzles, playing puzzles and chess, testing memories by memorizing images, or learning to play musical instruments.

4. Getting used to organizing small things

Very often someone forgets the item because it is placed in any place. Therefore, try to tidy up private items around. Starting from small things, such as putting items back in place, writing a daily agenda, and get rid of unused items. This will make the brain more focused, so memory is maintained.

5. Adequate rest

When sleeping, a person's memory will rearrange information from things that have happened. Enough rest will make the body feel fit and avoid stress. Usually, adults need about 7-9 hours to sleep. In addition, quality sleep can also help to remember and learn something new.

6. Active socializing

Active socializing and establishing communication, for example with friends and closest people, is  a way to improve effective memory. Gathering with them allows free from stress and depression. Both of these conditions are very closely related to the cause of decreased memory. In some conditions, the use of drugs or supplements can also be done to improve memory. However, this needs to be consulted with a doctor to ensure the effectiveness and risks that can arise.


Editorial Team: Amir Syarifudin, Azyza Tian Yustisiningrum, Farah Amaliah, Fatina Aqilah, Muhamad Agam Hidayat, Willa Cahyadewi



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